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免费mg不朽情缘试玩的全球产品组合使医疗保健专业人员能够更高效、更有效地在医院床边治疗患者, in the operating theater, in critical care units, at home and in the dialysis clinic. 免费mg不朽情缘试玩正在与合作伙伴一起寻找新的、更智能的方法来改善患者的治疗效果, 在并发症危及生命之前加以预防,并增加获得护理的机会, while reducing total costs.

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Featured Global Products

Bardy Diagnostics

Bardy Diagnostics

Developed by an electrophysiologist, the Bardy CAM Patch is a long-term ECG monitor that has been clinically proven to find arrhythmias. It is engineered to optimize p-wave signal capture, which enables it to differentiate between different types of atrial, as well as ventricular, arrhythmias. 其简单的设计允许易于应用,其临床门户网站有助于简化临床医生的工作流程.


Floseal Hemostatic Matrix for Surgical Care

Floseal is an adjunct hemostatic agent proven effective in a wide-range of bleeding scenarios1 with a proprietary combination of two independent hemostatic agents.2,3

Floseal Hemostatic Matrix is available in select countries globally.  

Important Risk Information



Hillrom Monarch Airway Clearance System

The Monarch 气道清除系统提供移动高频胸壁振荡(hfwo)治疗,以帮助稀释和动员气道分泌物. 它的革命性技术将移动性与目标动能和气流相结合,以稀释和动员分泌物.

Numeta G13E

Numeta for Nutritional Care

Numeta G13E 300 mL is the only triple-chamber, 可用于治疗感染和营养不良风险高的早产儿(少于37周孕龄)的即用型肠外(静脉内)营养产品4 in the early hours and days of their lives.5

Numeta G13E is available in select countries globally; it is not approved for use in the United States.      


Hillrom Progressa Smart+ Bed for Hospital Care

The critical care environment becomes more demanding and complex each year. The Progressa 智能床系统旨在满足医院不断变化的需求,其创新旨在帮助加快患者的康复. More than just a bed – the Progressa 床系统是一种治疗设备,作为医疗团队的无缝延伸.


Prismax for Hospital Care

The PrisMax 该系统旨在通过提供持续肾替代治疗(CRRT)和其他器官支持治疗,为重症监护病房(ICU)的危重患者提供个性化护理.

The PrisMax System is available in select countries globally.


Sharesource Remote Patient Management for Kidney Care

Sharesource remote patient management platform is a two-way, 数字健康解决方案,使医疗保健专业人员能够与家中的透析患者保持联系. 

Sharesource 是最广泛采用的家庭透析数字健康平台,已帮助管理全球超过2000万家庭腹膜透析(PD)治疗.6 The remote patient management platform 允许医疗保健提供者安全地查看患者最近完成的家庭透析相关治疗数据,这些数据在每次PD会话后自动收集. 然后,医疗保健专业人员可以通过远程调整患者的家庭设备设置来对这些信息采取行动,而无需他们额外前往诊所.

Starling Fluid Management Monitoring System

Starling for Hospital Care

Using patented Bioreactance technology, the Starling 流体管理监测系统代表了血液动力学监测的最新进展, providing easy-to-use, 非侵入性技术,提供准确和精确的数据,消除了对流体评估的猜测. The Starling 该系统推动了从一刀切到个性化治疗的转变, 针对特定患者的临床决策,帮助医疗保健专业人员为正确的患者提供正确的治疗, every time.


HDx enabled by Theranova for Kidney Care

HDx enabled by Theranova is a new dialysis therapy we are pioneering for patients with end-stage renal disease. The Theranova 透析器具有创新的膜,可提供扩展的血液透析治疗(HDx).



Hillrom Voalte for Hospital Care

The Voalte Platform是一种统一的数字护理通信解决方案,允许医疗团队相互连接并与患者连接. The platform integrates with existing hospital systems, 在护士和医生需要的时间和地点将重要信息提供给他们,以帮助加快干预措施和影响结果.


Hillrom Volara for Hospital Care

The Volara System for Oscillation & Lung Expansion Therapy combines three key OLE therapies in a single, versatile device. In just minutes, healthcare professionals can provide therapy designed to expand airways, mobilize and treat secretions to help acute care patients breathe easier.